Everyone should own a sheer, nude coloured t-shirt. Being dressed and naked at the same time is arresting. And it does create beautiful pictures. /HORST
Photos Marcelo Krasilcic Model Tiiu Kuik Magazine Elle Italy
Real-size magazine spread runway looks revived. Captured by ingenious Marcelo Krasilcic. I especially adore the food plates arrangement in the second picture. /HORST
Cheap Monday Spring/Summer 2009 vs. German White Trash
There's always a fine line between good trash and bad trash. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Acid wash is a nice example: usually it doesn't work if you actually think the clothes you wear are beautiful. /HORST
Photos Walter Pfeiffer Magazine Vogue Hommes International
The kitten love continues. By now I am quite convinced that my admiration for everything furry and leopardy has spread into the world of fashion editorials. Otherwise I can't explain the tremendous tendency to show men and cats. /HORST
Variations of nothing but purity. Each look cleary communicates its uniqueness and aesthetic intention. No need for hidden meaning or pretentious references. /HORST
My rakish mind just recalls the strangling scene in Ken Park. A strong, stimulating and inspirational image. Quoting youthful insatiableness and the self-destroying longing for intensity. /HORST
With a gentle whiff of gloominess, Mr. Hamilton creates pieces of concinnity. Fine yet powerful structures, contradictory materials and feisty yet femnine silhouettes. Never missing a poignant edge. /HORST
I am officially obsessed. Everywhere I go I see leopard prints. Everything that strikes my mind is animalistic. If there is no sign of recovery soon, I will have to rename this blog into Kitten & Horst. /HORST
The best use of leopard print can be admired at Gaspard Yurkievich. The perfect balance. The perfect way for men to dress in kitten love. All you need is a pair of socks. /HORST
Rediscovered in the depths of my closet while putting away the winter stuff and bringing out the clothes for spring time: this traditional Bavarian jacket. Freakin' hot, I must say. Sometimes it's so good to be from Germany. /HORST
There's nothing more exquisit and elegant than German nail studio and hairdresser windows. Nothing more romantic and poetic. Nothing more reminescent of the Golden Age of display decoration. /HORST
This collection is close to perfection. White long shirts with messy see-through details, cut-out knees, leather halters. Pieces I totally would love to wear myself. /HORST
Relaxing with a super cute kitten next to you. Or a tiger. A lovely imagination. If you also dream about falling in Kitten Love, here's your paradise. /HORST